OW2Countdown's Privacy Policy

Information we collect

OW2Countdown.com does not knowingly collect any information which can personally identify you. The only information this site collects is via the Vercel Analytics API, which collects the following information:

  • The page you visited (e.g. /event/42)
  • Your general network speed (e.g. 4G, 2G)
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  • Country (e.g. US, UK)
  • When we received this information (e.g. 2020-10-31 09:06:30)
  • Which site referred you to OW2Countdown (e.g. google.com, reddit.com, etc.)

If you'd like to learn more about how Vercel processes this data on behalf of OW2Countdown.com, please read Vercel's Privacy Policy.


The information listed above is collected for the purposes of improving the website. This information is not used for any other purposes.


Created by CactusPuppy | GitHub
Privacy Policy

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